[autismo-biologia] Fwd: Invitation Autism-Europe"s Annual General Assembly- Saturday 6th May 2023, in Stockholm (Sweden) + invitation INSAR preconference

Carlo Hanau hanau.carlo a gmail.com
Ven 10 Feb 2023 22:25:22 CET

Carissima, Carissimo,
AE ci comunica che il 2 maggio 2023, prima della Assemblea annuale di AE,
ci sarà la preconferenza di INSAR sul tema dell'autismo, aperta in presenza
a tutti coloro che ne faranno domanda fino a copertura dei posti.
Riunione annuale INSAR 2023

Stoccolma, Svezia

Mercoledì 3 maggio - sabato 6 maggio 2023

INSAR 2023 sarà un evento dal vivo, che si terrà a Stoccolma, in Svezia. Le
sessioni selezionate verranno registrate durante l'evento dal vivo e
riproposte come offerte educative separate a partire da giugno 2023.
Scopri di più sulla riunione annuale INSAR e visualizza gli archivi delle
riunioni precedenti qui. <https://www.autism-insar.org/page/AnnualMeeting>

Veuillez noter que vous êtes cordialement invités à assister à la
*pré-conférence* INSAR <https://www.autism-insar.org/page/2023AnnMtg>, qui
aura lieu le 2 mai. Trois chercheurs de renommée mondiale aborderont des
sujets tels que la collaboration entre les personnes autistes et les
chercheurs, l'évolution des approches de l'autisme au fil des décennies et
l'intervention en autisme dans les milieux à faibles ressources. Pour plus
d'informations et pour vous inscrire, veuillez utiliser le lien
suivant : Research
on autism – an international perspective | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)
<https://ki.se/en/kind/research-on-autism-an-international-perspective>. Les
places seront attribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier
servi. La date limite d'inscription est le 13 avril.

Also, please note that you are cordially invited to attend the INSAR
pre-conference, which will take
place on 2 nd May. Three world-leading researchers will address topics such
as collaboration
between autistic people and researchers, the evolution of approaches to
autism over the decades
and intervention in low-resource settings. For more information and
registration, please use the
following link: Research on autism – an international perspective |
Karolinska Institutet (ki.se). Places
will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The deadline for
registration is 13th April.

Dear members,

In accordance with the by-laws of our organisation, we are pleased to
invite you to the *Annual General Assembly (AGA) of Autism-Europe which
will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023, in Stockholm (Sweden) *Please
note that a Council of Administration meeting will take place on Sunday 7th
May in the morning. Please, find the related invitation of the President
attached, this information is tentative and the details will be confirmed

Also, please note that you are cordially invited to attend the* INSAR
<https://www.autism-insar.org/page/2023AnnMtg> pre-conference*, which will
take place on 2nd May. Three world-leading researchers will address topics
such as collaboration between autistic people and researchers, the
evolution of approaches to autism over the decades and intervention in
low-resource settings. For more information and registration, please use
the following link: Research on autism – an international perspective |
Karolinska Institutet (ki.se)
<https://ki.se/en/kind/research-on-autism-an-international-perspective>. Places
will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The deadline for
registration is 13th April.

[image: logo-ae-new_blue]


Rue Montoyer, 39 – bte 10

1000 Brussels

Tel : +32 2 675 75 05


Connect with us on:

[image: download] <https://twitter.com/AutismEurope?lang=en>  [image:
download (1)] <https://www.facebook.com/autismeurope.AE>  [image: download
(3)] <https://www.youtube.com/c/AutismEurope>  [image: download (2)]
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/autism-europe>   [image: instagram]

*Be green, keep it on the screen !*

*invito a firmare la petizione al Ministro contro le raccomandazioni di
prescrivere antipsicotici e altri psicofarmaci ai bambini con autismo*
*http://chng.it/4PCKz4n6ct <http://chng.it/4PCKz4n6ct>*
Prof. Carlo Hanau
già docente di Programmazione e organizzazione dei servizi sociali e
sanitari nelle Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e di Bologna.
Presidente di A.P.R.I. Odv ETS pagina Facebook al link
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