[autismo-biologia] R: palmitoiletanolamide (Pea)

Marina Marini marina.marini a unibo.it
Mar 6 Feb 2024 11:16:17 CET

Segnalo che PEA fa parte delle componenti di RESTART24, un integratore che avremmo voluto valutare nell'ambito di un progetto che non è riuscito a "partire"
Marina Marini
Da: autismo-biologia <autismo-biologia-bounces a autismo33.it> per conto di daniela <daniela a autismo33.it>
Inviato: martedì 6 febbraio 2024 10:03
A: Autismo Biologia <autismo-biologia a autismo33.it>
Oggetto: [autismo-biologia] palmitoiletanolamide (Pea)

Il 2024-02-05 19:21 Colla, Carlo ha scritto:
> Buonasera,
> Cosa ne dite dell’integratore palmitoiletanolamide (Pea) e sue
> applicazioni/effetti per l’autismo ? Qualcuno ne ha già sentito
> parlare ?
> Grazie mille
> Carlo
Nel 2021 è uscita una review che si puo’ leggere integralmente in rete

Colizzi M, Bortoletto R, Costa R, Zoccante L. Palmitoylethanolamide and
Its Biobehavioral Correlates in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic
Review of Human and Animal Evidence. Nutrients. 2021 Apr 18;13(4):1346.
doi: 10.3390/nu13041346. PMID: 33919499; PMCID: PMC8073263.


Copio dall’articolo quanto segue
“ Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a naturally occurring saturated
N-acylethanolamine that has proven to be effective in controlling
inflammation, depression, epilepsy, and pain, possibly through a
neuroprotective role against glutamate toxicity. ….

 Limited research suggests that PEA supplementation reduces overall
autism severity by improving language and social and nonsocial
behaviors. Potential neurobiological underpinnings include modulation of
immune response, neuroinflammation, neurotrophy, apoptosis,
neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, neurodegeneration, mitochondrial
function, and microbiota activity, possibly through peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR-α) activation”

Ci sono buone premesse per fare delle sperimentazioni nel campo dello
spettro autistico.

Una sperimentazione sta partendo all’Università di Udine a cura di Marco

"The Supplementation Therapy in Autism and Response to Treatment Study
December 15, 2023 updated by: University of Udine
The Supplementation Therapy in Autism and Response to Treatment (START)


Copio dal sito quanto segue
"Through this study, we wish to evaluate: the ability of PEA to
alleviate symptoms of psychic distress (i.e., anxiety and/or depression)
in Level 1 autistic adults; the safety and tolerability of sustained
intake of PEA in Level 1 autistic adults; and the biological basis of
PEA functioning…...

Volunteers who express an interest in the study and are identified as
having Level 1 autistic individuals with comorbid anxiety and/or
depressive symptoms by their clinical teams will be approached by study
researchers and given a patient information sheet. Those who agree to
take part in the study will be invited for a screening visit…….

As the present study was designed to assess the effect of PEA on
mentally fragile conditions with interference in the global functioning
of autistic individuals, we will focus on subjects with severity level
1, more affected by depressive and anxious symptoms than autistic
subjects with higher levels of impairment, requiring a prioritisation of
these manifestations compared to core symptoms”

La sperimentazione è ancora in fase di reclutamento per cui chi ha le
caratteristiche richieste dalla sperimentazione (adulti con autismo di
livello 1  con associati sintomi di ansia e/o depressione ) potrebbe
candidarsi a partecipare rivolgendosi a  marco.colizzi a uniud.it o
bortoletto.riccardo a spes.uniud.it

     Daniela Mariani Cerati

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