[autismo-biologia] Stimolazione trancranica nei disturbi del neurosviluppo

daniela daniela a autismo33.it
Mer 6 Feb 2019 11:43:03 CET

Aurelia Gargiulo incoraggia l’uso della stimolazione transcranica 
nell’autismo, premettendo correttamente che questo tipo di intervento é 
stato approvato dalla FDA solo per la depressione che non ha risposto ai 


In letteratura sono comparse recentemente due rassegne sulla 
stimolazione transcranica nei disturbi del neurosviluppo:

Autism. 2019 Jan 20:1362361318822502. doi: 10.1177/1362361318822502. 
[Epub ahead of print]
Clinical effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation 
treatment in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders: 
A systematic review.
Masuda F1,2, Nakajima S1, Miyazaki T1, Tarumi R1, Ogyu K1, Wada 
M1, Tsugawa S1, Croarkin PE3, Mimura M1, Noda Y1.


No severe adverse effects were reported in these studies. In patients 
with autism spectrum disorder, low-frequency repetitive transcranial 
magnetic stimulation and intermittent theta burst stimulation applied to 
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may have therapeutic effects on 
social functioning and repetitive behaviors. In patients with attention 
deficit/hyperactivity disorder, low-frequency repetitive transcranial 
magnetic stimulation applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 
and high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation applied 
to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may target inattention, 
hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In patients with tic disorders, 
low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation applied to 
the bilateral supplementary motor area improved tic symptom severity. 
This systematic review suggests that repetitive transcranial magnetic 
stimulation may be a promising intervention for children and adolescents 
with neurodevelopmental disorders. The results warrant further large 
randomized controlled trials of repetitive transcranial magnetic 
stimulation in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 Nov 19. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14104. [Epub ahead 
of print]
Transcranial direct current stimulation in children with autism spectrum 
disorder: a systematic scoping review.
Osório AAC1,2, Brunoni AR3,4,5,6.


Preliminary evidence is encouraging of the potential usefulness of tDCS 
for treatment of ASD in children and adolescents. It suggests tentative 
support for reductions in symptom severity and, according to parental 
reports and clinical observations, improvements in some aspects of 
language. However, the evidence is sparse and of low quality, so the 
true effect of tDCS is likely to be substantially different from the 
estimate of effect in this review. Therefore, future randomized 
controlled trials are needed to draw conclusions regarding tDCS efficacy 
in paediatric samples with ASD.

In conclusione allo stato attuale delle conoscenze i due tipi di 
stimolazione transcranica (magnetica ed elettrica) sono considerati 
trattamenti promettenti per alcuni sintomi dello spettro autistico, ma 
devono essere applicati nell’ambito di sperimentazioni controllate 
randomizzate di ampie dimensioni, se si vuole giungere a conclusioni 
convincenti sulla loro efficacia e tollerabilitá.
     Daniela Mariani Cerati

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