[autismo-biologia] figlicidio

daniela marianicerati marianicerati a yahoo.it
Lun 14 Nov 2016 16:00:41 CET

MarkT. Palermo, psichiatra, neurologo e criminologo, ha studiato ilfenomeno del figlicidio con particolare riguardo al caso di figli conautismo. Nell’articoloPreventingFilicide in Families With Autistic Children MarkT. Palermo InternationalJournal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 47(1), 200347-57suddividei fattori predisponenti al figlicidio come segueBasedon factors thought to motivate the murder, filicides have beenclassified as (a)altruistic, a “murder commited out of love”(56%); (b)psychotic, when no apparent motive is present (24%); (c)unwanted child, which is self-explanatory (11%);(d)“accidental,” when there was no intent to kill (7%);(e)spousal revenge, when the homicide is committed with the intent tomake the spouse suffer (2%) 
Nelcaso di figli disabili ritiene che il figlicidio altruistico siintrecci pericolosamente con l’idea di una uccisione misericordiosaIncases that involve disabled persons, the concept of altruisticfilicide may dangerously overlap the idea of mercy killing

Trai fattori stressanti l’autore menziona le difficoltánell’attaccamentogenitoriale e l’impossibilitá di dare un significato acomportamenti che non hanno una causa apparentethedifficulties in bonding with autistic children that are intrinsic tothe disorder, the secondary problems with disturbed attachment, andthe impossibility for parents to give a meaning to something that inmost cases, from the outside and from clinical exam and ancillaryinvestigations, has no apparent physical cause further compounds astressful situation. 
Sesi migliora l’autoefficacia e la capacitá di comunicare coi figlidiminuiscono nei genitori i livelli di stress e migliora l’autostimavariablessuch as self-efficacy in parents have been shown to mediate theeffect on stress levels of the maladaptive and problematic behaviorscommonly found in autistic patients itis clearly demonstrated that enabling parents to communicate throughalternative languages, such as the American Sign Language or theequivalent in other countries, may significantly decrease the levelof stress and improve parental self-esteem 
Comelogica conseguenza l’autore consiglia perla  prevenzione unaformazione esaustiva e un training dei genitori in modo che essipossano avere il controllodella demoralizzante situazione,che possanoprevenire i problemi e approcciarei loro figli nel modo piú efficace possibile. Thestigma and anxiety associated with the diagnosis of autistic disordermay be diminished through exhaustive illness education Thisenables parents who are often young and lack knowledge aboutparenting in general to gain or regain control over a demoralizingsituation, allowing them to anticipate problems that may develop andto approach their children in the most effective way possible. 
Comeconclusione finale l’autore ricorda ai medici che, se il primoimperativo morale del medico é “Primo, non nuocere”, il secondodovrebbe essere “Non abbandonare”
Whenworking with families, although it is a challenge (Barr, 1999;Korsch, 1995), one must not forget that along with “first, do noharm,” second should be “do not abandon.”


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