[autismo-biologia] Articolo sui servizi per persone con Disturbi del Neurosviluppo

Dr Rita Di Sarro r.disarro a ausl.bologna.it
Mar 20 Nov 2018 17:55:24 CET

Grazie, Rita

Def. Quota Mauro Leoni <mauro.leoni a libero.it>:

> Buongiorno,
> condivido con il gruppo un articolo fresco di pubblicazione, che  
> rappresenta i processi attivati per allineare un gruppi di servizi  
> residenziali per persone adulte con disabilità (Autismo e Disabilità  
> Intellettiva), agli standard scientifici attuali.
> Cordialmente,
> Mauro Leoni
> https://link.springer.com/journal/41252
> The Reduction of Mechanical Restraints and PRN Medication in 400
> Persons with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: an Analysis of 11 Years
> Process in 23 Italian Residential Settings
> Mauro Leoni & Roberto Cavagnola & Giuseppe Chiodelli & Serafino  
> Corti & Francesco Fioriti & Maria Laura Galli & Giovanni Michelini &  
> Giovanni Miselli & Michela Uberti
> Abstract
> Contrary to public policy and research expectations, restrictive  
> behavior practices continue to be used with individuals with
> intellectual disabilities. This paper reports the effects of a  
> multi-component service package for a residential service for over 400
> adults with intellectual disabilities and challenging behavior. Over  
> an 11-year period, there was a large and near elimination of
> mechanical restraints and pro re nata medications and a decrease in  
> staff working days missed because of resident aggression,
> despite an increase in the complexity of resident needs. This study  
> demonstrates that large-scale, long-term reduction of restrictive
> behavior management practices is possible using a multi-component  
> organizational reform package.
> Keywords: Mechanical restraint . Pro re natas . Intellectual  
> disability . Autism . Medication managemen . Staff training
> --
> Mauro Leoni, PhD
> Dirigente sanitario
> Psicologo, Psicoterapeuta
> Analista del comportamento
> --
> Mauro Leoni, PhD
> Dirigente sanitario
> Psicologo, Psicoterapeuta
> Analista del comportamento

Dr Rita Di Sarro
Direttore Programma Integrato Disabilità e Salute
051-6597993; 3483833923

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