[autismo-biologia] Autism treatment works in kids as young as 18 mos.

Stefano Palazzi s.palazzi a ausl.fe.it
Lun 30 Nov 2009 22:29:23 CET

La nota giornalistica riferisce che "The treatment is expensive;  
participants didn't pay, but it can cost $50,000 a year".
Essendo i casi trattati 48, lo studio è quindi costato oltre due  
milioni di dollari.
Potrebbe interessare a Telethon-Italy finanziare una replica?
Stefano Palazzi

On 30 Nov 2009, at 18:22, roberto wrote:

> The following adn.com article was sent by:
>    roberto (satolli a zadig.it)
> And roberto had this to say:
> Da un'agenzia di stampa la segnalazione di uno studio su Pediatrics.
> Un caro saluto
> Roberto Satolli
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Autism treatment works in kids as young as 18 mos.
> Published: 11/29/09 20:06:40
> The first rigorous study of behavior treatment in autistic children  
> as young as 18 months found two years of therapy can vastly improve  
> symptoms, often resulting in a milder diagnosis.
>    The study was small - just 48 children evaluated at the  
> University of Washington - but the results were so encouraging it  
> has been expanded to several other sites, said Geraldine Dawson,  
> chief science officer of the advocacy group Autism Speaks. Dawson, a  
> former University of Washington professor, led the research team.
>    Early autism treatment has been getting more attention, but it  
> remains controversial because there's scant rigorous evidence  
> showing it really works. The study is thus "a landmark of great  
> import," said Tony Charman, an autism education specialist at the  
> Institute of Education in London.
> You can read the full story online at:
> http://www.adn.com/24hour/healthscience/story/1033480.html?story_link=email_msg
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> This article is protected by copyright and should not be
> printed or distributed for anything except personal use.
> For information on reprinting this article or placing it
> on your Web site, please contact the Daily News marketing
> department at (907) 257-4429 or marketing a adn.com.  
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